Don't Let Your Home Be a Burglar's Paradise: How to Keep the Bad Guys Out

Protect your home from burglars and clay soil with these simple tips. Learn how to identify vulnerabilities in your home's exterior and garden, and how to improve clay soil to prevent damage.
Don't Let Your Home Be a Burglar's Paradise: How to Keep the Bad Guys Out

Is Your Home a Burglar’s Paradise? How to Keep the Bad Guys Out

The dream of every homeowner is to feel safe and secure in their own home. However, the harsh reality is that burglars are always on the lookout for their next target. According to the FBI, there were 673,261 burglary incidents reported nationwide in 2022 alone. The good news is that by taking some simple precautions, you can significantly reduce the risk of your home being targeted by burglars.

Don’t Let Your Home Be a Target

Burglars are often opportunistic, and they tend to look for homes that appear vulnerable or unoccupied. Here are four signs that your home might be targeted by burglars:

  • Suspicious vehicles in your neighborhood
  • Lack of outdoor lighting or security cameras
  • Overgrown landscaping or poor maintenance
  • Open or unlocked doors and windows

A house with a broken door is an easy target for burglars

Protect Your Home with These Simple Tips

While burglaries can occur swiftly and authorities may not always respond in time, prevention is the most effective strategy. Here are some simple tips to protect your home:

  • Install outdoor lighting and security cameras to deter burglars
  • Keep your landscaping well-maintained and avoid overgrowth
  • Lock all doors and windows, even when you’re at home
  • Consider investing in a home security system

A home security system can provide peace of mind and protect your home from burglars

Don’t Let Your Garden Be a Burglar’s Gateway

While burglars often look for vulnerabilities in your home’s exterior, they may also target your garden. Here are some tips to protect your garden from burglars:

  • Keep your garden well-maintained and avoid overgrowth
  • Install motion-sensitive outdoor lighting to deter burglars
  • Consider investing in a garden fence or gate to secure your property

A garden fence can provide an extra layer of security for your home

Clay Soil: The Hidden Enemy of Homeowners

While burglars are a significant threat to homeowners, there’s another hidden enemy that can cause significant damage to your home: clay soil. Clay soil can cause foundation problems, water damage, and even attract pests. Here are some tips to improve clay soil and protect your home:

  • Add organic matter such as compost or manure to improve soil structure
  • Mulch with bark chips or straw to retain moisture and suppress weeds
  • Plant trees or shrubs that thrive in clay soil to stabilize the soil

Clay soil can be a significant problem for homeowners, but there are ways to improve it


While burglars and clay soil may seem like unrelated threats, they both pose significant risks to homeowners. By taking simple precautions such as installing outdoor lighting and security cameras, keeping your landscaping well-maintained, and improving clay soil, you can significantly reduce the risk of your home being targeted by burglars and protect your home from damage. Remember, prevention is the most effective strategy, so don’t wait until it’s too late – take action today to protect your home and your family.