From Clay to Gold: How to Improve Clay Soil for Gardening and Avoid a $70,000 Mistake

Learn how to improve clay soil for gardening and avoid a $70,000 mistake. Discover the methods to improve clay soil fertility, aeration, drainage, and moisture retention, and draw parallels with the struggles of Fisker Ocean owners.
From Clay to Gold: How to Improve Clay Soil for Gardening and Avoid a $70,000 Mistake
Photo by Tj Holowaychuk on Unsplash

How to Improve Clay Soil for Gardening and Avoid a $70,000 Mistake

Clay soils have a bad reputation as they can quickly become waterlogged during winter and dry out to an almost concrete consistency during summer, making it hard to grow some plants. However, once you know how to improve clay soil for gardening, you’ll be rewarded with an excellent growing medium. In this article, we’ll explore the methods to improve clay soil for gardening and draw parallels with the struggles of Fisker Ocean owners who are facing difficulties in keeping their cars alive after the company’s demise.

The Struggle is Real: Fisker Ocean Owners’ Plight

Fisker Ocean owners who paid as much as $70,000 for their electric cars are now facing issues with their vehicles that have proven difficult or impossible to fix thanks to the company’s collapse. One owner, who wished to remain anonymous, got his vehicle in November 2023 and is still waiting to fix a battery problem that made it unusable in April. Another owner, who also wished to remain anonymous, began having problems with his brakes days after his $70,000 Ocean was delivered in November. These owners felt abandoned by the ongoing bankruptcy proceedings and had little information about what would happen to their cars in the future.

Improving Clay Soil for Gardening: A Lesson in Perseverance

Just like the Fisker Ocean owners, gardeners who struggle with clay soil may feel frustrated and abandoned. However, with the right methods, clay soil can be improved, and its fertility, aeration, drainage, and moisture retention can be enhanced. Here are some methods to improve clay soil for gardening:

1. Add Organic Matter

Incorporate bulky organic matter such as compost or farmyard manure, as well as some sand and grit, into the soil. This will improve soil fertility, aeration, drainage, and moisture retention. Just like how Fisker Ocean owners need to find alternative solutions to fix their cars, gardeners need to find alternative methods to improve their clay soil.

2. Mulching

Mulching with bark chips or even a thick layer of straw or grass clippings will prove very beneficial to improve clay soil for gardening – especially if used in conjunction with other methods. Mulching can help retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature. Just like how Fisker Ocean owners need to find ways to keep their cars running, gardeners need to find ways to keep their soil healthy.

3. Grow Green Manure

Grow green manure, such as Field Beans, Red Clover, and Forage Rye, to improve clay soil for gardening. These crops will break up the clay particles and provide food and habitats for pollinators. Just like how Fisker Ocean owners need to find alternative modes of transportation, gardeners need to find alternative methods to improve their soil.

4. Use a Clay Breaker

Commercially available clay breakers, comprised of horticultural gypsum, will break up the heavy clay particles. Apply 200g per square meter and leave for one month after application, before re-working the soil. Just like how Fisker Ocean owners need to find ways to fix their cars, gardeners need to find ways to break up their clay soil.

5. Plant Potatoes, Turnips, or Beetroot

Plant potatoes, turnips, or beetroot, which have tuberous roots, to break up the clay particles and reward you with a delicious crop at the end of the season. Just like how Fisker Ocean owners need to find ways to keep their cars running, gardeners need to find ways to keep their soil productive.

6. Fertilize with Wood Ash

Use wood ash as a fertilizer, high in potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium, to break up heavy clay soil. You can use it as a top dressing or dig into the soil. Just like how Fisker Ocean owners need to find alternative solutions to fix their cars, gardeners need to find alternative methods to fertilize their soil.

7. Break Up the Soil with Grit

Dig in horticultural grit, such as Westland’s Potting Grit, to improve drainage. Add grit to the soil and turn it over to create air holes for water absorption. Just like how Fisker Ocean owners need to find ways to keep their cars running, gardeners need to find ways to keep their soil well-draining.


Improving clay soil for gardening requires perseverance and creativity, just like how Fisker Ocean owners need to find alternative solutions to fix their cars. By incorporating organic matter, mulching, growing green manure, using clay breakers, planting potatoes, turnips, or beetroot, fertilizing with wood ash, and breaking up the soil with grit, gardeners can improve their clay soil and create a thriving garden. Don’t let clay soil get you down – with the right methods, you can turn it into a fertile and productive growing medium.

Image: A gardener working in a clay soil garden

Image: A Fisker Ocean car

Image: A thriving garden