Lawn and Order: The Battle for Yard Decorations

A Florida couple's battle with their HOA over lawn ornaments has sparked a heated debate about personal expression and selective enforcement. Will they emerge victorious in their fight for the right to decorate their lawn?
Lawn and Order: The Battle for Yard Decorations

Lawn and Order: The Battle for Yard Decorations


As I stepped into the sun-kissed streets of The Villages Community in Florida, I couldn’t help but notice the perfectly manicured lawns and the occasional lawn ornament that added a touch of personality to the otherwise uniform landscape. But beneath the tranquil surface, a battle has been brewing – a battle for the right to express oneself through lawn decorations.

A symbol of personal expression

Bonnie and Wayne Anderson, residents of The Villages, have been embroiled in a four-year legal battle with their Homeowner’s Association (HOA) over three lawn ornaments, including a small white cross that holds deep religious significance for Bonnie. The HOA’s pursuit of fines and citations has resulted in a staggering $15,000 in penalties, which the Andersons refuse to pay.

“It means my Christian faith,” Bonnie told a local Fox News affiliate.

The Andersons’ plight is not an isolated incident. Their neighbor, Virginia Jacobs, was also ordered to remove her cross, but she complied. The HOA’s actions have sparked a heated debate about selective enforcement and discrimination.

The fine print

Wayne Anderson argues that the HOA’s actions violate both state and federal law, which allow for “reasonable” ornamentation regardless of HOA contracts. He also claims that the HOA is guilty of selective enforcement, treating different households with ornamentation differently.

“Allowing one homeowner to display ornaments while telling the next-door neighbors they cannot is called ‘selective enforcement’ and a form of discrimination,” Wayne explained.

The Andersons have been fighting back through legal means, citing the Florida Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Although a judge ruled against their initial argument, they remain determined to take their case to court.

The battle for lawn ornaments continues

As I delved deeper into the world of HOAs and lawn decorations, I realized that this battle is not just about ornaments – it’s about the right to express oneself, to showcase one’s personality, and to challenge the status quo.

A symbol of personal expression

The Andersons’ story serves as a reminder that even in the most seemingly tranquil of communities, there are battles being fought for the right to be different. And as I walked away from The Villages, I couldn’t help but wonder – what’s next in the battle for lawn and order?