The Enduring Legacy of Billy Graham: Evangelism, Inclusion, and Humility

A tribute to the life and legacy of Billy Graham, a renowned evangelist who inspired millions around the world with his commitment to spreading the gospel and serving humanity.
The Enduring Legacy of Billy Graham: Evangelism, Inclusion, and Humility

Billy Graham: A Legacy of Evangelism and Public Service

Today, a bronze statue of Billy Graham will be unveiled in the US Capitol Statuary Hall, a testament to his lifelong commitment to spreading the gospel and serving humanity. As I reflect on his remarkable journey, I am reminded of the profound impact he had on my own life and the lives of millions around the world.

A Life of Evangelism

Billy Graham preached to nearly 215 million people in six continents, providing spiritual counsel to 12 sitting U.S. presidents and dozens of world leaders. His ministry was marked by a deep sense of humility, integrity, and obedience to Christ. As Dr. Samuel Solivan, a Puerto Rican theologian, noted, Graham’s personal testimony and ministry served as a biblical example of inclusion and diversity in unity, honoring Christ’s prayer that we would be one.

Evangelist Billy Graham spreading the gospel

Graham’s legacy extends beyond his evangelistic crusades. He played a crucial role in promoting unity among Christians, contributing to several humanitarian efforts, and comforting nations in times of crisis. Under his leadership, the global Church came together in greater unity to spread the gospel and serve the poor and oppressed.

A Champion of Inclusion

One of Graham’s most significant contributions was his commitment to inclusivity. He ensured that his evangelistic materials were translated into Spanish, making them accessible to Hispanic churches. He also promoted the inclusion of Hispanic pastoral participation in stadium events, fostering a sense of unity and cooperation among believers.

Bishop Hernán Rivera Rivera, who used Graham’s films for his evangelism events, recalled the impact of Billy Graham’s ministry: “The greatest thing is that his influence was not only during his lifetime but even after his death, he continues to have relevance.”

A Humble Servant

Franklin Graham, Billy Graham’s son and president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, expressed his father’s humble attitude: “He would not want the attention on himself but on God’s Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.” This sentiment is echoed in Graham’s own words: “I look forward to the day when I can see Jesus face-to-face and lay at his feet any honor I’ve received, because he deserves it all.”

Today, we honor Billy Graham’s legacy, not just as a renowned evangelist but as a devoted servant of Christ who inspired generations to follow in his footsteps.

The Billy Graham statue in the US Capitol Statuary Hall