The Eyes That See: How Tech Giants Track Your Every Move

Learn how tech giants like Yahoo track your every move, and what you can do to take control of your data.
The Eyes That See: How Tech Giants Track Your Every Move

How Tech Giants Track Your Every Move

As we navigate the vast expanse of the internet, it’s easy to forget that our every click, tap, and scroll is being watched. But who’s behind the curtain, and what do they want with our data?

The offices of tech giants like Yahoo are always bustling with activity

Cookies: The Unsung Heroes of Data Collection

Cookies are small pieces of code that websites use to remember you. They’re like a name tag that says, “Hey, I’m John, and I’ve been here before.” But cookies can also be used to track your every move, from the websites you visit to the things you buy online.

A cookie being placed on a device

What Do Tech Giants Do with Our Data?

Tech giants like Yahoo use our data to personalize ads and content. They want to show us things that we’re interested in, so we’ll click on them and make them money. But they also use our data to improve their services and make them more secure.

Data being used to personalize ads

But What About Our Privacy?

So, what about our privacy? Do we have a right to know what’s being done with our data? The answer is yes. Tech giants are required by law to tell us what they’re doing with our data, and to give us options for how it’s used.

A person managing their data settings

Taking Control of Our Data

So, how can we take control of our data? The first step is to understand what’s being done with it. We can do this by reading the privacy policies of the websites we use, and by paying attention to the ads that we see.

A person reading a privacy policy


In conclusion, tech giants are tracking our every move, but it’s not all bad. They’re using our data to make their services better, and to show us things that we’re interested in. But we have a right to know what’s being done with our data, and to take control of it. By understanding what’s being done with our data, and by taking steps to manage it, we can take back control of our online lives.

A person taking control of their data