The Shadow in the Screen: How Online Tracking is Eroding Our Privacy

Exploring the dark side of online personalization and the impact on our privacy.
The Shadow in the Screen: How Online Tracking is Eroding Our Privacy
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

The Dark Side of Personalization

As I scrolled through my favorite news website the other day, I couldn’t help but feel like I was being watched. The ads seemed to know exactly what I was interested in, and the articles were tailored to my every click. It was as if the website had a sixth sense, anticipating my every move. But at what cost?

online tracking

We’ve all heard the rumors about online tracking and the use of cookies to store our personal data. But how much do we really know about what’s going on behind the scenes? In this article, I’ll delve into the world of online tracking and explore the impact it has on our privacy.

The Microsoft Approach

Microsoft, in particular, has been at the forefront of this issue. Their use of cookies to deliver personalized content and ads has raised eyebrows among privacy advocates. But is their approach really that different from other tech giants?

“We process your data to deliver content or advertisements and measure the delivery of such content or advertisements to extract insights about our website.” - Microsoft

This quote from Microsoft’s privacy statement may seem innocuous enough, but it highlights the extent to which our data is being used. But what exactly does this mean for us as users?

When we click “I Accept” on those pesky cookie pop-ups, what are we really consenting to? Are we aware of the extent to which our data is being used and shared with third-party vendors? The answer is often no.

cookie notification

The concept of legitimate interest has become a convenient loophole for companies to exploit our data without our explicit consent. But is this really in our best interests?

The Impact on Our Lives

The effects of online tracking go far beyond the digital realm. Our online activities are now being used to inform real-world decisions, from credit scores to job applications. It’s a sobering thought, and one that should give us pause.

What Can We Do?

So what can we do to take back control of our data? The first step is to educate ourselves about the extent of online tracking and the implications it has for our privacy. We can then make informed decisions about the companies we trust with our data and take steps to limit their access.

“You may exercise your right to consent or object to a legitimate interest, based on a specific purpose below or at a partner level in the link under each purpose.” - Microsoft

This quote from Microsoft’s privacy statement highlights the importance of taking action. By exercising our rights and making informed choices, we can start to take back control of our data.


The world of online tracking is complex and opaque, but it’s an issue that affects us all. By understanding the extent to which our data is being used and taking steps to limit access, we can start to reclaim our online freedom. It’s time to take back control of our data and make informed choices about who we trust with our personal information.

Image: Person trying to delete online cookies