Unearthing History: The Tale of the Unexploded Garden Ornament

Uncover the surprising tale of a garden ornament turned unexploded bomb, revealing a hidden piece of history in a quaint town.
Unearthing History: The Tale of the Unexploded Garden Ornament

The Explosive Surprise in the Garden

As I strolled through the quaint town of Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire, a peculiar story caught my attention. A seemingly innocent garden ornament turned out to be a relic of the past with a dangerous twist.

Uncovering History

The discovery unfolded when a vigilant police officer noticed something amiss in the couple’s yard. What initially appeared to be a harmless decoration revealed itself to be a military explosive dating back to the 19th century. Imagine the shock and disbelief that must have washed over the couple as the truth unraveled before their eyes.

A Century-Old Secret

Jeffrey Edwards, a 77-year-old resident, shared the intriguing tale of how the bomb had silently resided in the yard for over a century. Previous owners had chosen to leave it undisturbed, unaware of the latent danger it posed. The bomb’s silent presence, a relic of a bygone era, added an unexpected twist to the couple’s peaceful garden.

The Unveiling

Tests confirmed the bomb’s live status, sending a shiver down the spine of all involved. Despite the potential danger, Edwards found solace in the bomb’s historical significance. Originating from a British vessel between 1880 and 1890, the bomb carried with it tales of a different time, a different world.

From Yard to Museum

While bidding farewell to the bomb brought a tinge of sadness, Edwards harbored hopes of seeing it preserved in a museum. The artifact, once a silent guardian in the garden, now yearned to share its story with the world, a testament to the hidden surprises that lie beneath the surface.

Embracing the Unexpected

The tale of the unexploded bomb serves as a reminder of the unexpected treasures that may lurk in the most ordinary of places. It beckons us to look beyond the surface, to delve deeper into the layers of history that surround us.


As I concluded my exploration of this captivating story, I couldn’t help but marvel at the twists and turns life presents. From a simple garden ornament to a relic of the past, the unexploded bomb had woven itself into the fabric of the couple’s lives, leaving an indelible mark on their story.